USC Blockchain Mobile Infrastructure Use Cases

Given its easily customizable character, USC Blockchain's mobile-centric infrastructure for issuing tokens and creating communities around them has a wide range of potential applications.

Companies and other organizations can use either USC Blockchain Studio or USC Blockchain Studio in conjunction with a customized version of USC Blockchain Wallet to create tokens to be used by users onboarded either to their proprietary app or a fork of USC Blockchain Wallet. They can also whitelist businesses for the token community ecosystem and activate fiat on-ramps.

In what follows, we would like to provide a few already implemented token community use cases for illustration.

A Stable Currency for a Local Economy

Community creators on USC Blockchain Studio can either rely on a newly issued token or an already existing one. The Kolektivo project in Curaçao uses the popular DAI stablecoin to issue the CuraDAI stable currency pegged to the Antillean Guilder.

CuraDAI is the token of a community and mobile app of the same name. The goal of the token is to facilitate the production and trading of locally produced goods and rewarding community members for engagement.

The CuraDAI projects illustrates the low cost of creating and managing token communities and payment systems on USC Blockchain.

A Customer Rewards Token and Food Delivery app

The PeeplEat project in Liverpool, UK, deploys USC Blockchain to develop a mobile app for food delivery.

The PEEPL token is designed to incentivize customer loyalty. With every order made through the PeeplEat app, customers automatically receive a reward in PEEPL tokens.

The key advantages of using USC Blockchain technology for powering customer rewards are automation and transparency. Rewards are automatically distributed based on the actual transactions and their amounts, and users can verify the amounts and total supply of the rewards token to ensure that it is not being inflated over time.

A Solution for Streamlining Charitable Donations

The Communitaria project (formerly, Wikibank) has benefited from the USC Blockchain B2B technology to solve an important problem in the charity industry. It launched a token backed one-to-one by the donated funds that can only be spent by the beneficiaries using the project's mobile app. The tokens can only be used for payment at the participating shops selling fresh produce.

This has allowed Communitaria to reassure the donors that the funds they provide can only be used for the stated goal: enabling the beneficiaries to buy fresh food. Other NGOs and charitable projects can also target their donations better and more transparently by using the USC Blockchain technology.

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